Comments from Some of Our Customers
"...AllJ Slots worked great at our recent trade show, it created a good excitement level..." -Brenda L., Dominos
"...Gone with the good 'ole traditional Prize Wheel in the past, but we wanted something a bit more dynamic. Your software was exactly what I was looking for..." -Ryan S., Creative Labs Gaming
"...The game play was very realistic, and with the output I was able to analyze the game play data [for our research] with ease..." -Dr. James B., Univ. of Albany
"...We used this for a promotion at an event in Singapore, and it went very smoothly. It managed our prize giveaways with ease..." -Elton M., Bayer Pharmaceuticals
"...The show in Vegas last week went really well and the game performed flawlessly..." -Ron F.,
"...We used AllJ Slots for our T-shirt giveaway at a beer festival and it was great, people loved it..." -Kevin B., IceHole Products, Inc.
AllJ Software - In The Press
Version 2.2.362 Just Released! (Friday, January 17, 2025)
AllJ Slots 2.2.362 is released, supporting many new features, including continuous background/ambient audio, Next-Spin Preview Mode, Lead Generation Tools, Custom Reel Frames, USB Pay Line Triggered Light Beacon, Multiple-Level Jackpot Triggers, Easy Reel Image Selection, Prize Cap/Limit Control, Fixed Spin Sequence Imports, Thermal Prize Voucher Printer Support and various other
Trade Show Tools!
Corning Licensed AllJ Slots for Prize Giveaways at CES
Corning licensed AllJ Slots 2.2, and used the Slot Machine Software to manage prize giveaways and generate trade show booth traffic and excitement at the CES Event.
University of Albany Addictive Behavior Research
The University of Albany licensed AllJ Slots 2.2, and commissioned ongoing development in order to utilize the Slot Machine Software in a research project. They are conducting research to determine how audio events affect addictive behavior.
Creative Labs - February
Creative Labs Gaming has licensed AllJ Slots 2.2 for their booth at the PAX East show coming up in March.
Bayer Drugs Licenses AllJ Slots 2.2
Bayer Group licenses AllJ Slots 2.2 for an international pharmaceutical
trade show in Singapore. Customizing the slot machine reel imagery with the Bayer brand, giving them the opportunity to gain exposure while drawing attention and awarding prizes to attendees at the trade show.
IceHole Products Licenses AllJ Slots 2.2
Dominos Pizza Licenses AllJ Slots 2.2
Dominos Pizza Marketing licenses AllJ Slots 2.2 for
trade show exposure in Las Vegas. Customizing the slot machine reel imagery with the Dominos Pizza branding gave them the opportunity to gain exposure while awarding prizes to attendees at the trade show.
AllJ Slots 2.2 Release - August
AllJ Slots 2.2 is released, offering a wealth of new features including audio event control, simulation test tools, and more.